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Wednesday 30 October 2019


What is Bitcoin? Why bitcoin is so popular now days!
 With Bitcoin You can make money out of it
Just need 4 steps to succeed!
1. Money. You need a capital to invest in bitcoins. Just like the saying goes Buy more when its LOW, Sell it when its HIGH. Obey the golden rules and you will never be losing!
2.GOVT ID. You need this thing to be able to show to the world of KYC. Know your customer status. They need your address , birthday and of course your nationality or your status.
3. BITCOIN WALLET. IF you have already the two, then this is the three one to succeed! Download if you are from the Philippines, make sure you used my referral code klzbhd. Coinbase if you are based from the US. and if you are in Canada, used SHAKEPAY. make sure ask for my referral in Coinsbase and shake. pay. plus in coins level you can get 100$ Free Money. ask me how
4. PAYPAL. of course this is the most important YO have have to get this US payment system
It will only work with verified accounts for bitcoin wallet and for PayPal. Also PayPal has very strict rules regarding the buyer and the seller so don't screwd!

When it comes to bitcoin ah! Now that bitcoin has rises and fall, this 2019 marks the bitcoin saga where in some of the blockchains technology are trying to secure your account through their platforms! and mind you when I try to hear about bitcoin 5 years ago! I was just too lazy to know what is this and how to make money out of this!
Think of a cake! then slice it! well that’s bitcoin! You can buy the bitcoin cake for as small as 40$. The bitcoin price as of this written October 29,2019 is 1 BTC=12,060 Cad,/ 9,260.54 USD. Well surely If I invested it way back 2011 or 2015, I might be 40 percent richer today! Lucky it was opposite !
Well with bitcoin you can buy sandwich with that value in kiat! You can buy prepaid load  , Remittance, Send money, Buy tickets, shopping online etc. and many more!
Visit my youtube channel for more info regarding making money with bitcoins!
happy buy and sell!

Friday 23 August 2019

How to make money by using Bitcoins

Well everyone is talking BItCOIN nowadays!
Well right now I am gonna teach you how to make a profit using 4 different steps
Using bitcoin wallet to transfer money from another bitcoin wallet and trade using third party for free, Yes, the third party that I am telling is coins level and they are really free! and you can get profit by trading to them. You don't need to work for it, let them work for you. and the last is a payment system where in , they will send you the payments and the last is your Payment exchange where you can transfer your profit going to your bank account
1. Find a bitcoin wallet. For example SHAKEPAY, this is valid thorough CANADA residents
If you are in US, Coinbase is good for bitcoin wallet
For the Philippines residence, is good
2. Buy bitcoin from your Bank

Sunday 11 August 2019

Paragis, A free access to all your sickness in kidney and diabetis

According to the recent studies, Paragis or dragon grass or talahib in tagalog are the ones who can cure some sickness and Its really FREE, Mostly in tropical countries like the Philippines are you can harvest and pick this up the streets, corners or edges in your houses or besides the highway or streets especially in the backyard or clean lot.
Paragis grows mostly in dry soil  where mostly the goat will eat it right?
So YOu dont know that the cure for your illness especially those suffers from dandruff, dialycis or those with kidney stones can cure with everyday drinking of this grass. THIS IS MIRACLE GRASS where others are just abandon and IGNORE rather than taking antibiotics which are reversible pain to our organs, The reason why the Doctors will not recommended this because of economy crash or millions of money will be going out from their pockets.
Without further addo, here are the benefits if you will pick the paragis grass and boiled them as a tea
Benefits of Paragis Grass that Most People Shared
Most of the people who experienced the healing power and benefits of Paragis Grass agreed to the statements below and support the idea that this weed can really help alleviate and ultimately cure the following illnesses:
1. Cancer – Paragis’ antioxidants prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
2. Ovarian cyst and myoma – Ovarian cyst can be treated by Paragis tea.
3. Kidney problems – Paragis increase the amount of water in the body and expels the salt as urine because of its diuretic property.
4. Arthritis – Apply the heated leaves of Pargis with scraped coconut on the affected area.
5. Diabetes – Paragis has antidiabetic properties. Drink of its tea regularly.
6. Wound bleeding – Stops wound bleeding by applying the mixture on the affected area.
7. Parasites – It has laxative properties that fight parasites in the body.
8. UTI – Drink boiled leaves of Paragis to cure UTI.
9. Hypertension – It’s boiled leaves and stem helps balance and lower the risk of hypertension.
10. Fever – Drinking boiloed roots of Paragis lowers the fever.
11. Sprain – Apply minced leaves of Paragis on the affected area.
12. Dandruff – Mixed the minced and stem of Paragis on coconut oil. Use it as a shampoo. It also uses for hair growth and stops falling hair.
13. Dysentery – Drinking boiled roots of Paragis help cure gastroenteritis (Diarrhea with blood).
Additionally, Paragis can also cure asthma, epilepsy, malaria, infertility(women), bladder and liver problems, hemoptysis, and jaundice.
Look at these personal testimonies shared in Social Media by some Filipinos who have tried using Paragis Grass. If you don’t understand these local dialects, you may need to hire a friend to explain what it means.

Wednesday 27 March 2019

effects of Keto diet to your body

In beginning, ketosis, you may experience a range of negative symptoms.
They are often referred to as "low-carb flu" or "keto flu" because they resemble symptoms of the flu.These may include:
  • Headache.
  • Fatigue.
  • Brain fog.
  • Increased hunger.
  • Poor sleep.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased physical performance (7).
These issues may discourage people from continuing to follow a ketogenic diet, even before they start reaping all the benefits.
However, the "low-carb flu" is usually over within a few days.
Foods high in magnessium and potassium
Pumpkin seeds: 46% of the RDI in a quarter cup (16 grams)
Spinach, boiled: 39% of the RDI in a cup (180 grams)
Swiss chard, boiled: 38% of the RDI in a cup (175 grams)
Dark chocolate (70–85% cocoa): 33% of the RDI in 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
Black beans: 30% of the RDI in a cup (172 grams)
Quinoa, cooked: 33% of the RDI the in a cup (185 grams)
Halibut: 27% of the RDI in 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
Almonds: 25% of the RDI in a quarter cup (24 grams)
Cashews: 25% of the RDI in a quarter cup (30 grams)
Mackerel: 19% of the RDI in 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
Avocado: 15% of the RDI in one medium avocado (200 grams)
Salmon: 9% of the RDI in 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
Below are some foods that are excellent sources of potassium, as well as how much they contain in a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving (17):

Beet greens, cooked: 909 mg
Yams, baked: 670 mg
White potatoes, baked: 544 mg
Soybeans, cooked: 539 mg
Avocado: 485 mg
Sweet potato, baked: 475 mg
Spinach, cooked: 466 mg
Edamame beans: 436 mg
Salmon, cooked: 414 mg
Bananas: 358 mg

Friday 1 March 2019

Fines for not paying or showing valid tickets

How much is the fine for not paying in train bus transit in Calgary ?
Guess it’s times 4 than when you are buying your ticket for example an adult pass is 3.40$  And for youth is 2.70$ for children below age 5 are free
But the real question is if you get caught by peace officer in train station that you are boarding it’s gonna be tough because they need your identification or if you can’t produce one they will call the registry to ask info about your identity Ann’s it’s gonna Been shitty! When I get caught in Feb 5 that time all my wallet cards was lost so I can’t peovidr a valid ticket instead I used. My expired ticket that I left and boom I was charge 250$ instantly if you can’t pay right away you will be given 2 months after that 2 months you will be scheduled to go to bench court and hear your Auden it’s gonna be stressful right My court hearing is scheduled this April 5 but still now I’m out of job and I don’t k ow how to nosy it it’s a lot   Now the problem is how to get this solve and what’s gonna be happen during the court hearing coz this is my first time Inket u know soon .My plan was to pay this not by monetary but thru community service

Thursday 31 January 2019

How to get into Calgary airport via bus and train

Train from downtown cost 10$ Canadian going to airport  and vise versa it was located in airport arrival lane 7 and 8 parking and also in 23 parking where you can get vending machines to get bus tickets or buying it online calgary transit or in 7 eleven and macs store
The interval time is 20 minutes or 30 minutes to take u to downtown and also from the airport

If you came from the train station red and blue line you have to get tickets for 3.30$ those tickets are valid for 90 minutes only  you have to drop to McKnight station which is the blue line going to route 69 street to saddle town
From McKnight train station watch for bus 100 does says airport 100 and it takes 20 minutes to get into airport in Calgary . Same step if you are from airport taking this bus 100 route going to McKnight station

Order now Be Prime